Education News
Posted: 29-Oct-2017
Result University Of Health Sciences successfully takes MDCAT Test 2017 recoducted on 29th October 2017 and now candidates are in waiting of MCAT answer key to assess and tally their multiple choice answer sheet. Answer key will be available here for Students as soon as officially announced by University of Health Sciences Lahore. The Entrance Test for admission in Medical and Dental institutes of the Punjab was held on Sunday 29 August, 2017. So, when the test reaches to its end, UHS MCAT Entry Test Answer Key 2017 will be uploaded on this page and students will be able to see the mcat answer key here.
UHS (University of Health Sciences, Lahore) will release and upload the answer sheet key of reconducted entry test taken by the university on the test day i.e. on 29th October, 2017 at 02:00 PM approx. A carbon sheet is given to every student / candidate for self assessment of their marks according to answer key.
Offical results will be announcement after a weak. Before the announcement of the Official result you can calculate your own marks as compated with Mdcat answer key. According to the Officials of the University of Health Science students, you will get 5 marks of every right answer given by you, and 06 marks will be deducted of every wrong answer. So the student should be attentive during the exam.
Later, when UHS will upload the answer key, the students will be able to check the answers from key and assess their marks from the related color answer key.
Stay Tuned for latest update about all colours answer key to assess your colour key.