The number of private medical colleges recognized by PMDC in Pakistan is increasing day by day and this situation is good for healthy and developed, prosperous Pakistan. When will be the number of doctors increases, more people will be able to get benefit from then and thus the condition of country will be better than today. The increasing number of medical read more
UHS MDCAT Entry Test 2017 Date, Time, Schedule and Answer Key Mcat Entry Test 2017 UHS is the medical university and designated body to conduct the entrance admission tests for admission in the medical colleges in Punjab. MDCAT (Medical & Dental College Admission Test) is the test which is compulsory test taken by UHS for getting admission in any private read more
NUMS Admission Test for MBBS & BDS Answer Key 27 August 2017 Announced and available here on to view and compare your answer online and for self assessment. National University of Medical Sciences NUMS MBBS / BDS conducted Admission entry test on 27th August 2017. Here is the right place where you can find the answer key in best format read more