Our Tutors are highly qualified and experienced ....yet affordable!

Our Prices are based upon the education level.
We charge per tutorial and each tutorial has the duration of 1 Hour.


School Level

£18 - £22

  • GCSE (Year 10-11)    £22
  • Secondary (Year 7-9)   £20
  • Primary (Year 1-6)    £18

College Level

£23 - £24

  • A Level Year 1    £23
  • A Level Year 2    £23
  • I B Year 1 & 2    £24

University Level

£25 - £40

  • Undergraduate    £25
  • Postgraduate    £30
  • PhD/ Research    £40

We offer a complete one hour tutorial for


This is a great opportunity for students to familiarize themselves with their tutors and our system before starting tutorial secessions with us.

Book Free Lesson NOW

How to pay for your Tutorial

Payment system at Online Tutoring 4U is simple safe and secure. Once you have enrolled with us, you have the facility to pay online using a debit or credit card. Alternative methods of payment include bank transfer or pay over the phone.


If you need any further information or would like to discuss anything please Contact Us.