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Frequently Ask Questions

  • Where are you located?
  • A: We are located in UK and in USA and proudly deal all over the globe.
  • How many orders do you take at one time?
  • A: We can take multiple orders at a time.
  • What is the quality of your printing material?
  • A: We use the most premium quality of printing material and offer full customize quality as per your need and requirements.
  • What are the design charges?
  • A: We don’t charge our customers for the design.
  • What are printing charges?
  • A: All printing charges are mentioned with your desired product.
  • What products do you have?
  • A: We have a wide range of products. You can view all the products on our homepage.
  • Is there any discount if I re-order my job?
  • A: Yes. You will get meticulous discount according to the nature of the job.
  • Do you charge on shipping services?
  • A: No, we don’t charge our customers for shipping. It is absolutely free!
  • Which shipping service do you use?
  • A: We use FedEx and DHL most of the times but this can also be done through other mediums.
  • How can I place order?
  • A: To place your order, please visit our website and then follow the steps below to complete the ordering process:

    1. Select a product from our listed products and click on "Add Cart" under quantity and prices or Click on "Paypal Buy Now" link.
    2. If you are not registered yet, please select "Sign Up" and enter required fields and Sign in.
    3. At the Shopping Cart View page, click on "Check out" button.
    4. Press the "Check out" button after entering/editing your Billing/Shipping Information on the next page.
    5. Select your payment method and press the "Proceed with Payment" button to finally place the order.
    6. You will be taken to the Thank You page
    7. You will receive an Order Confirmation email soon after placing your order. We look forward to receiving your order.
  • How can I get my order faster?
  • A: The quality of service we are providing is quite fast. You can select the option of “Rush Delivery” which will enable us to provide the order more quickly.
  • How do I change or cancel an order once it has been placed?
  • A: We apologize for the inconvenience. Once an order has been placed through our printer network, it is put into production and can not be changed.
  • What kind of paper do you use for printing?
  • A: We use different paper qualities and that are according to the nature of the job and what kind of printing you are looking for.
  •'s online security
  • A: We fully understand your concern about putting your credit card over the Internet. We are devoted to making the Internet a safe and fun place to shop. Given the Secure Socket Layer technology employed by our site, doing business on line with us is very safe. Every transaction conducted is encrypted for privacy.
  • How can I order multiple orders?
  • A: Yes. We can always take multiple orders from you. You can do this by simply adding your orders to add cart.
  • Will I always receive the exact thing according to my order?
  • A: Yes. The things won’t vary 1% as mentioned in the specifications.